Unilateral Versus Bilateral Reconstructive Hip Surgery: A Survey of Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Practice and Decision Making.
Miller SD, Juricic M, Baraza N, et al. Unilateral versus bilateral reconstructive hip surgery in children with cerebral palsy: A survey of pediatric orthopedic surgery practice and decision-making. Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics. 2022;16(5):325-332. doi:10.1177/18632521221121846
Assessing the reliability of the modified Gartland classification system for extension-type supracondylar humerus fractures.
Teo TL, Schaeffer EK, Habib E, Cherukupalli A, Cooper AP, Aroojis A, Sankar WN, Upasani VV, Carsen S, Mulpuri K, Reilly C. Assessing the reliability of the modified Gartland classification system for extension-type supracondylar humerus fractures. J Child Orthop. December 2019. DOI:10.1302/1863-2548.13.190005.