India DDH Care Pathway


GHDR member Alaric Aroojis spearheaded an effort in collaboration with the Vancouver GHDR team to develop a DDH Care Pathway and a CP Hip Care Pathway for India.

This work also created a reproducible process for such pathway development that can be repeated in other regions of the world.

Bringing together seven national organizations in India representing over 120,000 health care providers, the team used a modified Delphi approach to develop an algorithmic screening pathway that accounts for the unique characteristics of India’s healthcare system.

Phase of Development III

The completed Delphi process provides the information to establish formal guidelines for the screening of the condition of interest, forming an evidence-based care pathway centered in the local context.


Lab member Jacqueline Li coordinated this work as part of her Master's thesis.


The Indian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology


India CP Hip Care Pathway


Sri Lanka Care Pathway