British Columbia Care Pathway
Dr. Anya Smith
Dr. Anya Smith, PhD is leading this project to develop a Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) Care Pathway for British Columbia, Canada.
Sharon Ho
Co-op student Sharon Ho is coordinating this project.
Get in Touch
If you would like to learn more about the project or become involved, please contact us at:
Project Goals
Establish a standardized care pathway program for DDH early identification and screening of children and youth in BC.
Establish a foundation for on-going population and clinical-level health surveillance.
Anticipated Outcomes
Improve patient health outcomes.
Allow physicians to treat this condition more effectively.
Decrease the number of referrals to BC Children's Hospital.
Reduce travel times/costs for patients.
Alleviate strain on hospital and patient resources.
Ongoing Projects
Distance to Care for Infants at Risk For DDH in BC Early identification, screening, and surveillance of DDH in children & youth in BC
Standardizing a pathway for DDH screening & monitoring: assessing current access to care.
Phase of Development I
Administered subspecialty surveys among local clinicians.
Engagement with local healthcare professionals to form an expert panel.
Opportunity | Get Involved in the Consensus Building Process
The consensus building process will be a series of iterative surveys and discussions, using a Modified DELPHI Process.
The objective of these discussions is to reach consensus on best practices for the screening, detection, and management of DDH, and produce region specific algorithms for DDH screening.
Clinician practicing in British Columbia
Some experience with/seeing children at risk of DDH
Request to Join the Panel
If you would like to request to join the expert panel for this process, please contact with your name, profession, and primary facility.